Sales and Instructional Tips

Created specifically for

Collegiate Sales Education Program Directors

Use these tips for your classroom, as homework (we call it homefun), or as training exercises. Anyway you use them, we hope they will be of service to your needs. Our mutual interest is to enable your students to succeed in the classroom and the sales profession.

Good luck, good selling, and good sales training. 


Your Sales Educator Tip of the Week


Role Play

Tip #4: January 6, 2021

According to our founder and mentor, Roy Chitwood, role play is THE single best way to transfer selling skills. He also guaranteed that every hour spent in role play would pay off many times over is sales success.

Because role plays are at the heart of collegiate sales competitions, it's important to have a strong methodology for building skills through role playing.

Previous Sales Training Tips for your classroom

Listening Skills

Tip #3: December 28, 2020 

No salesperson ever listened their way out of a sale. This video provides three fun exercises you can use in your classroom to sharpen student listening skills.

A good salesperson is a good listener.

A great salesperson is a great listener.


RNMKRS to Gartner

Tip #2: December 14, 2020

For many universities, competing in sales competitions sharpens sale skills, increases competitive spirit and brings school pride.

Recently, the University of Minnesota Duluth placed 1st and 2nd in the Annual RNMKRS competition. 

Learn how UMD crushed it.

The Most Important Idea

Tip #1: December 9, 2020

At the beginning of class, ask your students to be on the look-out for their most important idea of that session. It causes students to be more attentive, brings good karma, and affirms their importance to you. It's a strong finishing touch as students share their most important ideas with the class.  


University Proof-of-Concept Case Study


University of Minnesota Duluth

The Track Selling Institute worked with Professor John Kratz, Sales Program Director at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Three-day, synchronous, proof-of-concept Zoom workshops were conducted for John and his UMD Bulldogs in April, May, and June 2020. John was impressed with the Zoom delivery, visuals and content. Click the button below to read the detailed case study that documents his experience.