Learn the selling skills needed
to succeed in sales competitions, job interviews and as a sales professional
Attend an online, live, instructor-led and student-tested
sales training workshop designed for college sales majors and their professors
Supplement Your College Curriculum
Sales majors love to compete. How can you gain an advantage in this highly competitive environment?
Supplement your college curriculum with professional sales skills training from the Track Selling Institute.
- Learn the success nuances of sales competitions.
- Enhance interviewing skills to gain a competitive edge over less-prepared peers.
- Expand your selling skills to kickstart your career after you leave campus.
- Use this universal communications model to communicate with your friends, parents and others.
Proven Skills Training
The Track Selling Institute has delivered training to sales professionals for over 60 years via in-person workshops. We now offer virtual training. Over 250,000 graduates from organizations, large (Fortune 100) and small (Moms and Pops), in 22 countries have attended Track Selling Workshops. After attending, they've seen, on average, a 30% increase in their revenue results.
We know this sales process works!
See the Pepperdine University study below for social proof.
The Learning Format
The Track Selling Institute has taken a proven, in-person, time-tested curriculum and adapted it to an online, instructor-led format consisting of 12 hours of synchronous online instruction. It includes a polished participant guide available in PDF format that can be printed or filled out online.
We utilize breakout sessions, simulated sales situations using collegiate sales competition role-plays (from resources that are available to all on-line), quizzes and entertaining breaks to increase engagement and retention.
We also include interview training for internships and full-time sales positions.
This program is student-tested and student-endorsed.
Your Opportunity
After providing several proof-of-concept pilots in early 2020, we now offer this time-tested curriculum to any sales major or collegiate Sales Program Director.
We offer two options.
- A three-day, daytime workshop held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Central time each day with a one-hour break for lunch.
- An evening workshop held on two consecutive weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Central.
Both workshops have small amounts of homework
(we call it homefun).
We limit attendance to 20 participants for each workshop to guarantee personal attention.
While you're deciding, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you...
- Want to sharpen your sales competition skills? Wonderful!
- Want to improve your interviewing skills for internships or full-time positions? Fantastic!
- Want to fast-track selling skills for your post-graduation career? Bravo!
These are worthy reasons to make a modest investment in yourself. Those joining us will look back on this workshop as one of the best 2021 business decisions they made for their sales career.
Track Selling training will make a significant difference in your professional--and personal--life. We offer a client satisfaction or money-back guarantee. We hope to see you.
Make an investment in your future
Your greatest asset is your own undeveloped potential. You can register for the workshop - and develop your potential - for $99.
So, to avoid disappointment, sign up soon. We offer this to universities - STUDENTS AND FACULTY - that offer sales training courses. Based on the past year of rave reviews from collegiate students, sales program directors and professors - now also certified by the Track Selling Institute (to add to resumes) - we know this will be a great learning and growing experience for all. Please register soon to avoid disappointment as we cap enrollment at 20. If you try to register after the workshop is filled, we'll add you to our wait list.
For a one-minute video testimonial from two of our student graduates, see and hear what Chase and Kayla of the University of Minnesota Duluth have to say below.
Program Features

Complete Sales and
Communication Module
The Track Selling System Core Skills Workshop contains 12-hours of live, online instruction, workbooks and reference resources, role plays, breakouts, quizzes and other engagement techniques. It's fun, highly interactive and you'll learn a lot.

Proven Educational Experience
with Demonstrable Results
The Track Selling System has been proven and field-tested for more than 60 years. It has been delivered to over 250,000 workshop participants in more than 3,000 organizations in 22 countries. Clients include companies such as Apple, IBM, HP, etc.

Piloted and reviewed by several collegiate sales programs
We conducted this course with sales students and their professors at universities across the US that have a sales program.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. See the video and written testimonials below.
Workshop Student Testimonials
Chase Sullivan
Chase Sullivan is a 2021 graduate of the University of Minnesota Duluth, with a degree in Business with a Sales Major. Chase participated in the 3-day Track Selling Core Skills Virtual Workshop in the spring of 2020.
Hear what he says about about the Track Selling program and the impact it had on his career plans and life.
Kayla Nelson
Kayla Nelson is a 2022 graduate of the University of Minnesota Duluth studying marketing, graphic design and professional sales. Her story of success using the Track Selling System in her campus life is truly impressive.
Hear what Kayla says about the Track Selling program and the impact it had on her.
Social Proof
The Track Selling System is both a commercial success and a personal one.
The evidence is clear.
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Case Study
In 2020, the Track Selling Institute worked with John Kratz, Professor and Sales Program Director, at the University of Minnesota Duluth. John attended the three-day virtual workshop with several of his students and was impressed with the content, student engagement and delivery approach.
Click the button below to read the detailed case study, including several student testimonials.
Pepperdine University Study
Pepperdine University conducted a study over 400 Track Selling graduates one year after completing the three-day workshop. The results were impressive. Click the button below to see the downloadable infographic of the study's results.
Want More Information?
Innovation in your institution: how does the Track Selling System fit in?
Amid the COVID-19 crisis the challenges in higher eduction, you may have questions or need more information about how our curriculum would fit into your Sales Program.
We're here to help.
Please fill out the form on the right or send an email to [email protected]. If you want to chat by phone, call at 651-269-8863.
We look forward to discussing your needs.
I'm interested but I need more information
Please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you ASAP.
We'll discuss the program and how you can benefit.