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Energy: take it a day at a time.

Track Selling defines ENERGY as developing your capacity by getting a little better every day. Tomorrow could be a little better than today... and the next day... and the next. Can you imagine the impact this would have on your career in one short year?

Energy is more than something physical. It's the emotional fuel for your daily challenges. It grows from interest and a positive attitude. Without energy, you're like a car that remains in neutral; but when you're excited about your day's activities, you have the energy to carry you through.

The successful salesperson isn't 100% better than the unsuccessful salesperson. They may be only 10% better in rapport-buidling, 10% better in qualification, 10% better in filling the need, etc. It's the little differences that add up to the big differences in sales results.

That's sales energy: developing your capacity! 

Good luck and good selling.

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