A key principle of Track Selling is that people buy emotionally and then justify the purchase logically. To help nudge your prospects to buy, imagine a sign across their forehead, "What will it do for me?”
An effective way to sell to the sign - and help them visualize what it will do for them - is with vivid word pictures as stories - during Feature-Benefit-Reaction sequences.
In our October meeting of Track Selling Institute Affiliates, we discussed the impact of story-telling. Stories are memorable, persuasive, and welcomed.
Here's how it's done. 1) TELL your prospect about a Feature that would be of value to them. 2) Then, use vivid word pictures as a story to SELL them on the Benefit of the feature and help them visualize it, and 3) ask a compelling Reaction question to gauge their response. We call this process F-B-R.
To illustrate, many years ago I sold accounting software. I met with an owner of a small distribution company. I learned during our rapport-building that his wife had recently given birth to their first child, a son, and this new dad was over-the-moon proud of his growing family.
On the business side, he complained that his current software was only able to process invoices once a month. (Remember, this was many years ago). That meant he was stuck at the office two or three evenings every month-end to process a "wheelbarrow" of sale orders into invoices.
I told him a FEATURE of our software would enable him to invoice daily, rather that just once a month.
BENEFIT: That meant he could be home for dinner every night rather than stuck in the office at month-end.
I then asked him this REACTION QUESTION so he could visualize the benefit..."How would you feel about being home with your family every evening and watch your son grow every day?"
As I looked into his eyes, I knew he had just bought our software solution. Why did he buy? He visualized a story what it would do for his family. What was his buying motive? Love.
People buy emotionally and then justify the purchase logically. What was his logical business reason to buy? Daily invoicing would reduce the time of receivables-to-cash and improve his cash flow.
Use stories to help prospects visualize what it will do for them.
Good luck, good selling, and good story-telling.
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