In Iceland, intentionally placed rocks called cairns are stacked at regular intervals to mark the hiking path to a famous waterfall. The cairns enable hikers to avoid deep pools of water and steep cliffs. The cairns lead hikers safely to the waterfall and its beautiful views.
In Track Selling, here are three cairns - path markers - for you to consider.
The first cairn is Step 3 - Agreement on Need - A salesperson discovers and verbalizes the three or four most important needs of a prospect.
The second cairn is Step 5 - Fill the Need - A salesperson shows and tells the three most appealing feature/benefit matches for a prospect.
The third cairn is Step 6 - Act of Commitment - a salesperson anticipates the objections most likely to arise and knows how to overcome them.
How can sales managers/coaches reinforce the 3 cairns? Ask their sales reps:
- "What is your prospect's Agreement on Need?"
- "Given those particular needs, what are the best features and benefits to present?"
- "What are the most likely objections that will come up, and how can they be overcome."
That type of Q&A between salesperson and manager is extremely valuable for the salesperson's skill set and the manager's development as a world-class coach.
Good luck and good selling.
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