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Track Selling teaches you to ask the right questions. Feeling-finding questions bring golden answers. 

Our many years of sales training experience - working with top sales professionals - have taught us that peak producers master the process of asking great questions.

How does the Track Selling communication model suggest you begin the Qualification process? Begin by asking fact-finding questions. Then gear-up by asking feeling-finding questions.

Feeling-finding questions ask about a prospect's opinions, likes and dislikes, experiences, and motives.

Since people buy emotionally, feeling-finding questions are more valuable to a sales professional than fact finding questions.

It's a combination of both - fact-finding and feeling-finding - that enable a salesperson to discover both the emotional reasons of why a prospect would buy, as well as the logical reasons for them to stay sold.

Fact-finding and feeling-finding. It's the yin and yang of selling. 

Good luck and good selling.

Click here to learn more about this highly acclaimed sales training now online and on-demand.

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