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Three simple phrases 


In our Track Selling workshops, we teach that in selling - and in life - "Words Matter."

Ronald A. Rasband is past president of Huntsman Chemical Corp. He recently shared ideas on how Words Matter. 

He said, "So very important are our own words. Believe me, in our emoji-filled  world, our words matter."

He continued, "Our words can be supportive or angry, joyful or mean, compassionate or tossed aside. In the heat of the moment, words can sting and sink painfully deep into the soul—and stay there.

Our words on the internet, texting, social media, or tweets take on a life of their own. So be careful what you say and how you say it. In our families, especially with husbands, wives, and children, our words can bring us together or drive a wedge between us.

Let me suggest three simple phrases that we can use to take the sting out of difficulties and differences, lift, and reassure each other:

“Thank you.”

“I am sorry.”

And “I love you.”

Do not save these humble phrases for a special event or catastrophe. Use them often and sincerely, for they show regard for others. Talk is growing cheap; do not follow that pattern.

We can say “thank you” on the elevator, in the parking lot, at the market, in the office, in a queue, or with our neighbors or friends.

We can say “I am sorry” when we make a mistake, miss a meeting, forget a birthday, or see someone in pain.

We can say “I love you,” and those words carry the message “I am thinking about you,” “I care about you,” “I am here for you,” or “You are everything to me.”

Words Matter!

 Good luck and good selling.

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