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In sports, sales, or any profession, it's choosing and practicing methods that work - PERECT PRACTICE - that separate victors from vanquished.

We've learned during decades of sales training experience that role play is THE single best way to transfer selling skills. We guarantee that every hour spent in meaningful role play will pay off many times over in sales success.

If you believe that role playing is a key to professional sales skills, it's also important to have a proven methodology for how to conduct role plays.

Here are 3 keys to successful role play. BTW, the forms referenced below in bold face are in your Track Selling workshop materials. If you need to dust them off to begin a new role-play habit, this is a good time to do so.

1. Set the stage by having participants fill-out these forms:

Sales Plan - defines a sales scenario of their choosing to be role played.

Track Dialogue - provides the language they will role play during each of the seven steps. 

Partnership Agreement - provides objection-handling language needed to overcome stall objections at closing time. 

2. Provide an "Observer Checklist" so observers can look for - and learn from - ideal salesperson responses during each role play. This immediate feedback is critically important; maybe the single most important factor in determining role play success. Keep it positive.

3. After the role plays, take time for brief group discussion. Ask what was the easiest part of the role play and the most difficult. Then have discussion about ways to improve in the difficult areas. The sales team learns from each other and grows together. There is wisdom in the group.

If you're good at role playing the seven Track Selling steps, reward yourself by thinking, "Well done! Now let's keep role playing to go from good to GREAT."

Why? Because school is never out for the sales professional. It's the power of perfect role play. It's in you. 

Good luck, good selling, and good role-playing.

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