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Make an interest-getting statement; then ask an open-ended question about your statement. 

Our many years of sales training experience - working with top sales professionals - have taught us that peak producers master a process to say interest-getting statements, then ask open-ended questions.

It's an effective one-two combination that is rarely used by salespeople.

Begin with a statement about something that differentiates your company, product, or service from the competition. Then ask a question to gauge the importance your prospect places on that separator. 

For example, you might ask, "Our company has more patents in this technology than anyone else. How would you like to work with the market innovator?"

You'll quickly find out how much value your prospect places on market innovation. Read the room to adapt the qualification process accordingly. This is a powerful one-two punch used by many peak sales producers.

Good luck and good selling.

Click here to learn more about this highly acclaimed sales training now online and on-demand.

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