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The role of opposition 


In our Track Selling workshops, we teach that in selling - and in life - "You need to be an agent, not an object."

Mathias Held is past director of Daimler Colombia. He recently shared ideas on the role of opposition and how to deal with it. 

He said, "Sometimes we experience opposition and trials from things outside of our control, such as:

  • Moments of health and periods of sickness.

  • Times of peace and times of war.

  • Hours of day and of night and seasons of summer and of winter.

  • Times of labor followed by times of rest.

  • In selling, the ebb and flow of sales results. 


He continued, "Even though we usually cannot choose between these kinds of situations because they just happen, we are still free to choose how to react to them.

We can do so with a positive or with a pessimistic attitude. We can seek to learn from the experience and ask for others' help and support, or we can think that we are on our own in this trial and that we must suffer it alone.  We can “adjust our sails” to the new reality, or we can decide not to change anything.

In the darkness of night, we can turn on our lights. In the cold of winter, we should choose to wear warm clothes. In seasons of sickness, we can seek medical and spiritual help. In selling, we can hang tough and just keep trying. We choose how to react to these circumstances.

Adjustlearnseekchoose  are all action verbs. Remember that we are agents and not objects."

 Good luck and good selling.

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