Dr. Donald Moine - Sales Architect
Track Selling Authorized Affiliate
How can I help you become a sales superstar?
"I help build powerful, profitable sales teams."
How can I help you become a sales superstar or superstar sales manager?
What do I bring to the table as a Track Selling Affiliate that will help you build your sales skills and help your company build one of the most powerful sales teams in your industry?
ā—† I know sales. I produce results quickly. ā—†
I bring over 30 years of international sales and marketing experience working with a wide variety of companies in diverse industries. I combine my deep educational background with decades of real-world practicality to help you build powerful and highly profitable sales skills, and, if you are a manager, to help you build a world-class sales team.
ā—† I'm an innovator. I'll bring new ideas to the table. ā—†
I am one of the founders of the new field of sales and marketing psychology. Working as a salesman, I paid my way through nine years of undergraduate and graduate studies. I researched and wrote the first-ever doctoral dissertation on sales superstars.
My scientific studies and interviews have focused on the psycholinguistics (see a definition below) of powerful sales presentations.
I developed breakthrough methods to teach the skills of sales superstars to salespeople of all skill levels.
After my dissertation, I was hired by Wall Street to teach trust-building, qualification, sales psychology, and closing skills to stockbrokers and financial planners.
ā—† I have extensive experience. There will be no learning curve. ā—†
I have trained and help build powerful sales teams at major corporations such as ADP, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Control Data Corporation, EF Hutton, General Motors, Merrill Lynch, Toshiba Medical, Zurich Insurance and many more.
I’ve authored or co-authored several landmark books on sales psychology, including UNLIMITED SELLING POWER, which Success Magazine selected as one of the Top 10 Sales Books of all time.
Many years ago, I met the legendary Roy Chitwood, the developer of Track Selling. I was fortunate to be a guest on Roy’s popular business radio show.
I am proud to be one of few sales training professionals selected to be a Track Selling Affiliate.
ā—† I'm field-tested, proven, and reliable. Partnering, we'll make a difference. ā—†
Please contact me to discuss how I can help you or your sales team to get more than your fair share of the business in your industry. I know we’ll benefit and enjoy working together.
Psycholinguistics defined: It is the discipline that investigates and describes the psychological processes that make it possible for humans to master and use language. I am considered the foremost expert on the psycholinguistics of powerful sales presentations. It is my specialization.

Dr. Donald Moine
Sales and Marketing Psychologist, Business Growth Strategist, Executive and Performance Coach, Corporate and Individual Consulting
Email: [email protected] Phone: (310) 378-2666
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/drdonaldmoine
“Knowing the mind of your customer
will help you meet their needs more quickly
and effectively”
-Rick Wickham, Sales Psychologist
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